Lifting into position 14

Re-inventing footings with the Concrete-Free System

Surefoot is an innovative footing system that utilizes a unique shape and high strength galvanized steel to form an efficient pile cap. The system works by driving piles into the ground, securing the cap, which effectively harnesses the opposing forces of multi-directional piles and skin friction. This results in a solid, stable, and cost-effective footing solution.

Our system is engineered for enhanced performance against gravity, uplift, shear, and moment loads. The soil structure plays a pivotal role by absorbing the exerted stress. Tailored to specific job requirements, our footing system considers site soil conditions and structural design loads for its design.

Surefoot cannot be labelled as either a shallow or a deep footing and therefore belongs to a new “hybrid” type of footing.

The system is installed via steel tubular piles driven into the ground by a simple jackhammer and an attachment tool that can be purchased through Surefoot WA

Surefoots’ engineering principles are based on piling technology using a combination of skin friction and bearing capacity. Because is a non-displacement pile, the system can be used in any penetrable soil-sands, silts, clays, small gravels and even rock as well as all wind categories.

Installation times range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on which size Surefoot you are using. Adjustable in plumb and level after your footing is installed, Surefoot has instant bearing capacity in every direction so your works can continue that same day.

Footings keep evolving to take advantage of additional means of withstanding loads, analysis of such technologies need to be developed as well in order to comprehend their advantages and applications.

Our system is engineered to Australian Standards and is Building Code of Australia compliant with load capacities up to 360kN (36 tonne). Surefoot’s hybrid system can handle large bending moment loads which means that it can be used for just about any application.


Surefoot Footings are backed by research and rigorous testing

Recognizing the importance of reliability and performance, Surefoot actively seeks to validate the effectiveness of its footing system through university testing and research collaborations.

In 2015, Surefoot partnered with Swinburne University of Technology, a leading institution in Australia with a renowned reputation for engineering expertise. This collaboration resulted in a comprehensive testing program designed to evaluate the ultimate bearing and pullout capacities of Surefoot footings.

While university testing provides valuable insights, Surefoot goes a step further by conducting various internal research and development initiatives. This ongoing commitment to testing and improvement ensures that Surefoot footings continue to meet the evolving needs of the construction industry.

Surefoot: Facilitating Effortless Installation

Surefoot footings revolutionize the footing installation process by offering a simplified and streamlined approach compared to traditional methods. This innovative system delivers several key benefits that can significantly improve the efficiency and ease of construction


Design & Materials
Ground Conditions
Surefoot VS other systems

All Surefoot pile caps are fabricated using 350+ grade plates with variable thickness, starting with the T150 at 4mm thick to the S600 at 10mm thick, the driving guides are custom made to suit the micropiles.

The size of our micropiles is a standard 32 Nominal Bore pipe with a minimum gauge of 2.6mm, although thicker gauges can be selected. They come in Hot Dipped Galvanized finish.

The Surefoot loads are determined using the relevant Australian Standards calculations. Surefoot can receive loads of up to 36 Tonne depending on the model. Further capacities can be achieved by combining models in groups and joining with steel sub frames. Surefoot is one of the only systems that has the capacity to resist high bending moments which means that it can be used for many purposes beyond typical construction such as communication towers, masts and wind turbines.

Depending on soil and environment characteristics, the minimum life span of a Surefoot system is over 50 years.

A standard jackhammer with a rating of 45 Joules is the main tool required to intall Surefoot. Please read our Installation Manual to see all of the equipment required to install.

It’s not necessary to level the land to build with Surefoot. Surefoot simplifies the construction process and adapts to the land without increasing costs. Surefoot can add value to heavily sloped sites that were traditionally prohibitively and costly to build upon.

When installing Surefoot in dense urban and industrial areas, it is prudent to contact “Dial before you dig” and have plans of existing infrastructure before installation commences. If this is not available, cabling and pipes can be located with a basic CAT scanner. Once located there are two options, change the location or position of Surefoot to avoid the infrastructure or use a 2way, 3way or an 8pile Surefoot model to change the driving directions of the micro piles or to have multiple sleeve options for installation.

By using the Surefoot 2way, 3way or 8pile bases with the correct micro pile directions or multiple sleeve options, installation can avoid known obstacles such as foundations of existing building boundary conditions of the allotment.

Our engineering team can determine the appropriate pile embedment to minimize the impact of seasonal movement in soils by referring to each soil test.

Our contracted engineers can assess the best footing solution for soils with rock layers, depending on the applied loadings and the type of rock encountered. You can read our Rock Policy in our installation manual

Surefoot pile caps can be manufactured in stainless steel for use in marine or very aggressive soil environments. They can also be coated with marine-grade coatings to further protect them from corrosion.

The product has been officially tested to European, Australian and International standards. In Australia, it has been tested for research and innovation purposes by Swinburne University. In Europe it has been certified by Lloyd’s Registry to meet the requirements of all relevant Euro Codes. In addition to this, Surefoot has conducted many unofficial testing over the years for internal research. On a more recent note, our company has been engaged for a joint research venture led by the Australian Federal Government in collaboration with both Swinburne University and Melbourne University, this research will have a joint finance of $500,000 for more research and development of our products. Please visit our Resources page to see some of our certifications or contact our Engineering and Design team for further information on the matter.

To get an estimate for your project, we only need a basic diagram of the structure, a description of the project's location, and the soil type. This service is free of charge.

Surefoot is a sustainable foundation system that minimizes environmental impact. It does not disturb the land or soil, so there is no need to level, cut, fill, or change the landscape. Surefoot also does not disturb natural drainage patterns, so it can be installed around treed areas without damaging tree roots. Excavation is either eliminated or drastically reduced.

Other Steel piling systems such as helical piers and screw piles are relatively expensive solutions that are normally specified when there is a particular construction problem to resolve. Surefoot offers various advantages over these systems, Surefoot is more precise, has higher capacities (Price/capacity ratio) and is easier to install. Special drilling augers and other equipment are not needed, just small portable tools. Surefoot is the only system that can compete with concrete in normal building conditions, due to its great capacity in bending moment, which can be very low on screw piles.

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